Hands-on parents strike better chord with children

New Australian research shows parents rely heavily on commercially produced CDs and DVDs for children's musical stimulation, claiming they don't have the time or musical talent for anything more creative.

"Singing with a young child allows for spontaneous vocal play, movement and drama that are not always possible with music CDs and DVDs," said study author Peter de Vries. "Some products with a visual component are non-interactive . . . and detract from musical events.

"These products can constrain spontaneous musical play . . . and parents need to be aware of their detrimental effects on young children's musical development,"

"But just putting music on doesn't have the same effect. Children learn by doing, especially with adults, and there are so many opportunities for spontaneous singing."

To read the full article from the "Hearald Sun" click here.

With Kindermusik you the parent and the most important teacher for your child(ren) will get encouragement  and tools to do joyful activities in your child(ren) comfort zone and best learning environment (your home).